Thursday, February 17, 2011


What is entrepreneurship ?
- The process that an indivisual find opportunities without regard to resources.
- the art of turning an idea to a business.
- integrate all the resources, money, prople,business model and the strategy.
motivated all the time although other people say bad to the business.
able to take risk.

Why become entrepreneur ??
-become own boss
-want to use own idea
-more financial reward

Characteristics of successful entrepreneurship
*(激情)passion for the business - belief the business can positively influence people life.
*Product/ customer focus - satisfy/benefit the customers
*Tenacity despite failure - can face failure when try new thing
*Execution Intelligent - ability to change idea to viable business.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Business Economic

Cost of taxation

     Without tax ,
     tax revenue= 0
     total surplus = CS+PS

     With tax ,
     tax revenue=B+D
     total surplus= A+B+D+F
    Therefore, C+E=deadweight loss

Tariff- a tax on import
Argument for restricting trade
1) The jobs argument- trade destroy job that against import
2) The national security argument- protected from foreign competition
3)The infant-industry argument- temporary protection for new industry
4) The unfair competition argument- other country may have unfair advantage
5) the protection as bargaining chip argument- exchange trade item between 2 country.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Company law

Sole trader- profit & risk bear on himself , can make own decision . Eg. hawker
Partnership- minimum 2 ppl , maximum 20 ppl, can be createorally or writing.
company- complex rules, rights, liabilities.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ethic For business

What is business ethic??
Laura nash define it as the study of how personal moral apply to the activities of business.

6 Enviromental Dimensions

Economic factor - business expansion , product expansion
Stock & bond market volatility波动 & interdependency 互相依赖
Effect of the European Union (currency exchange)
The Rise of China & India。

Technological Environment - internet & telecommunication innovation
Access to information

Political environment - rise of global terrorism , fall of communist

Governmental Environment - constantly updating law
Changeing standards for product

Legal environment - competing right
consumer protection (gun control)
copyright protection

Demographic environment - workforce diversity and accompanying issue :
sexual harassment ,discrimination , downsizing work force.

Primary - owner , customers , employees , suppliers

Stakeholder management Approach - to developing win-win situation


Unethical business practices :
1) showing respect to those who act unethical
2) Misrepresentation of hours worked
3) lying
4) withholding info

Why Business Ethic important ??
i) financially and economically
ii) Relationships & reputation
iii) Morale & productivity
iv) Culture & communication
5 business myths
1) ethic is personal
2) business and ethic don mix
3) business ethic are relative
4) good business = good ethic
5) information are neutral
Kohlberg level of moral development
stage1: punishment > stage2: seeking reward > stage3: good person > stage4: law and order > stage5 : social contract > stage6: universal ethical principles
Business ethical theories
Utilitarianism- teleological theories , consequences , result-based . Greatest goods for greatest number of people . Problem: no agreement exists about definition of the "good".
Universalism- Deontological theories , follow majority . Problem: lack practical utility , hard to resolve conflicts of interest.
Right - negative & positive right
Jutice - Equal treatment , equal opportunities . Four type justice : Compensatory , retributive , procedural
Virtue - good character , motives . Problem : lack of specific guidelines

Corporate social responsibility
Nowaday situation : Air pollution , noise , food poisoning
-Corporations have economic responsibility to produce goods and service , provide jobs and good wages to the workforce.